Our Story
'I believe a woman can express what she aligns with and her core values, by the jewellery she chooses to wear on her body' - Designer / Creator Jayde Skeffington
Indigo Jade was birthed from a desire to create with purpose. I wanted to create a brand that not only delivered high quality, unique jewellery but that also expressed positivity, awareness, connection and community.
INDIGO JADE holds my heart and soul, as i evolve and grow so does she, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love and for supporting my small business.
Indigo children are highly awakened souls on a mission to create the New Earth based on unity and conscious love. They are against the restrictive paradigms society has tried to place on us and perceive this world for what it truly is, a beautiful nature filled abundance of colour, and light. Our mission is to help humanity 'see' so we choose to live through love and not fear.
Are you an Indigo Child?
Jade stone carries healing energy. The purity of the jade stone gives wisdom, love and acceptance. This stone is special to me as it's what my mumma bear was holding while going into labour with me and so decided then, she would name me Jayde.